Monday, July 30, 2007

extraordinary emotions

on a normal day, a normal night.
u witness extraordinary emotions.
they come out of nowhere... no certain cause.
just appear and engulf you in an amazing sense of bliss.
in the course of a normal conversation, one of the many everyday ones
this feeling wafts out lifting your hand and gently placing it on someones head.
and there is nothing more that you want to do at that moment than pray to god that all of this persons wishes are fulfilled , that nothing ever makes them sad. just blessign them without any expectations, without any other feelign except the one that u could easily die for this person.
when our mothers place thier hands on our heads they go through a similar feeling... many friends do too.
but how many of us actually feel the warmth that that hand gives us.
if u listen closely enough ,one can actually hear the sounds of beautiful wishes travelling to you.

i had never thought that a human being can feel this way... so beautiful yet so scaringly overwhelming.
the feeling of loving someone... be it your parents, siblings, friends.. so selflessly, is very rare.

and yet when you feel it, you cannot help feel so good inside that it aches from the want to show other people what it means.

this is to hoping that every human being gets to feel this way atleast once in their lifetime.
because.... really.. there is nothing better to experience.

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