Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2 experiments

Lets perform an experiment,
Experiment number 1 part one
raw material required:
1. an extremely curious or hopeful individual, or someone who has all the time on his hands
2. a plain solid rock
3. the power of speech 
net result

Experiment number 1 part two:
raw materials:
1. an extremely smart and hopeful individual, with no time to spare for whiling
2. a plain solid rock
3. a hammer and a chisel
net result
a sculpture

actions speak louder that words ?

Experiment number 2 part one
raw materials:
1. an extremely smart man, whose actions speak louder than words
2. a dumb man
3. any hittable object
net result
a wound and frustration, followed by silence

Experiment number 2 part two
raw materials:
1. an extremely articulate man, who knows his stuff.
2. a dumb man
3. the power of speech
net result
a conversation bordering on intelligence.
and influence

the point....
actions speak louder than words....
when dealing with inanimate objects

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